Coaches and Competitors

Requirements for coaches and athletes. Competitor Fees, Insurance, Equipment and Divisions


  • At least 1 coach from participating country must attend the official on Wednesday April 19, 2017 from 17.30 hours at Park Hotel Moskva ***.
  • Must wear either a training suit or a T-shirt and pants and running shoes while coaching. Only one (1) coach of a country is allowed entering the coaching zone at the same time. Only a coach can present an official protest.


Competitor information

  • Individual entry fee: 100,00 € per competitor (including for competitors competing only in Team disciplines);
  • Team entry fee: 50,00 € per team.

Entry fees include:

  • ID card, which is mandatory for the Tournament as an official document for identifying competitors, coaches, umpires and staff. The card is acquired when payment for the accommodation done through the Organizing Committee of the Tournament
  • Free entrance to the Sports Hall
  • Transport from the Hotels to the Sports Hall
  • Medical assistance during the competition (for competitors)

The competitor’s entry fees can be transferred electronically and must be cleared by 3rd of April 2017 to the AETF Bank Account.

Please remember to pay the transfer costs from your side, if the AETF has to pay for the transfer costs then you will need to pay this back on arrival.

  • Incumbent: All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation
  • Incumbent address: 5/B Milenijna, 20-884 Lublin, Poland
  • Bank: BPS SA. o/ Lublin
  • Bank address: 4 Karlowicza, 20-027 Lublin, Poland
  • Account: PL 16 1930 1695 2500 0518 6754 0002

The competition fees can also be paid in cash ONLY on arrival directly at the AETF registration point. Credit/debit or other card payments will not be accepted


  • The Organizing Committee will not responsible for any possible injuries caused during the competition. All competitors must have full insurance coverage by their own organization/country.


  • All competitors must wear official dobok and protection gear currently approved by the ITF.
  • All competitors must wear full set of blue or red protection gear according to the draw.
  • Awarding dress code – no competitors will be admitted to awarding ceremony wearing shorts, casual pants, flip flops or bare footed


  • The championships will be for Junior and Senior competitors.
  • Juniors must be 14 years old on the first day of the competition.
  • Competitors born in the year 2003 must participate as Juniors.
  • Competitors born in 1998 or before are Seniors.
  • Competitors born in 1999 participate as Juniors or Seniors.
More in this category: « Umpires Payment details »